When you welcome a four-legged friend into your life, a lot of things change, and they are usually for the better. There are some things that only a paw-rent will know….
A plate of food or glass of water is never safe
If you are not made to feel guilty by your dog while eating your lovely meal because you won’t share it with them (usually by staring directly into your eyes with the saddest face youve seen), you have to make sure they don’t nab it when you aren’t looking! Oh – and have you ever had your glass knocked off the living room table by a tail wag?! Or worse, a big dog who still thinks they are a lap dog?!
However cats are a little more brazen and choose to just steal the food from the plate or help themselves to a little sip of your drink. It’s not like they have fresh water in their bowl right beside you….
Pictures, videos & more pictures
Your camera roll is filled with images and videos of your adorable furry child – and why shouldn’t it be? They are totally gorgeous and the best pet in the whole wide world. You will find yourself falling down the rabbit hole of the cutest puppy pictures wishing they were just that small and adorable again!
And of course you want to share them because who does not love a pet picture? Speaking of that – we want to see yours! Share with us on Facebook & Instagram for your pet’s chance at starring on Naturo’s socials.
Let me just take this pic for your grand-paw!
You do ‘the voice’
The voice.. you know the voice? The baby voice? Oh come on, we all do it! “Hallo misters, would you like a wittle treat?” We have a specific voice reserved for the special four-legged companion in our lives. And if your partner says they don’t – they’re lying. We also know that the best pet parents will have the most in depth full conversations with their pets helping them decide on every day topics. What would we do without our lovely companions?
Their needs come before yours
We have all found ourselves lying in the most uncomfortable position on the couch or bed to accommodate them. As long as they are comfortable, that’s all that matters…. You dare not move for fear of waking sleeping beauty from their slumber and have them look at you with that look wondering why you have woken them. Now move over to your side!
I see you are trying to work, human.... I think not.
You wonder how you ever managed without them before
They are part of the family we love them to bits. Unconditional love, plenty of cuddly attention and minimal back chat. What’s not to love?