Halloween Tips for Cats & Dogs

Halloween Tips for Cats & Dogs

Halloween is an exciting time of year. We get to dress up, play games and eat lots of treats. But it’s important to remember our pets may not find Halloween as fun and exciting as we do. Often our pets can find the holiday stressful and scary, and as pet owners, it’s our responsibility to keep our pets not only calm, but also safe from any dangers. Don’t worry though, we’ve got some helpful tips to help you!


1)     Not-so Sweet Treats

Halloween is definitely a holiday for anyone with a sweet tooth, there are treats and sweets popping up everywhere. Before tucking into your favourite sweet treats, you MUST make sure the treats are out of the way from your pets and that they won’t eat some by accident. Chocolate especially is very dangerous for pets, especially dogs and it can be very dangerous.

it is your responsibility to make sure your pet can’t get at the chocolate and sweets. We recommend keeping them in cupboards or boxes that your pets can’t access. Besides, we know our pets prefer the natural food and treats we make at Naturo!

2)     Keep Calm and Be Pawsome!

Halloween is full of excitement from trick or treaters, to fireworks, decorations, and music. Sounds fun right? But not for our pets. All the excitement and noise can cause our pets serious stress. We recommend giving them a safe, quiet place to relax. Have their favourite toy and favourite food there too. 

3)     Be Delicate with Decorations

It may add to your haunted house effect, but having candles around your home is an added danger for your pets as they can be easily knocked over. It’s also very important to pick decorations wisely, as our cats and dogs can get tangled up in them.

4)     Fill up the cauldron

Our cats and dogs are more likely to drink more when they are feeling uneasy or stressed. Despite all the distractions, try and keep your pets bowl filled with water and easy for them to access.


Halloween is a time for fun, so we at Naturo wish you and your whole family a great holiday. We hope our tips help keep you and your pets have an enjoyable time. If you have any questions or maybe you have some tips of your own to share, please feel free to contact our team here.


Have a Spooktacular Halloween!! 
